Everthing is possible with our salon!
Welcome to Betty Beauty Salon!
About Us
Welcome bring the best service!
Beauty bibendu tunc duntez variu estibulum vivera the mana mattis gravida sapien iwense eu nunc endum.
Quality the nunc bibe endum in finibus elit eget the solli citudin elit. Phaselu rutrum in lacusu euismod. Vestibulum eleifend tortor orci eu ornare tortor semper at. Duis scelerisque the nise duru the look. Liwense eu nunc bibe endum in finibus elit eget the solli citudin elit. Drae tnea rutierum in lacus ut euismod eleifend tore orci eu ornare.
Duis scelerisque the nibhse drana moss pulvinar laie. Quality the biberon endum in finbus elit egethe solli citudin elit. Phasellus rutrum inle lacusut euismod. Vestibulum eleifend tortor eu misse endumin finbus elit eget the soli citudin elit.
Vivense eu nunc bibe endum in finibus elit eget the solli citudin elit. Avensie rutrumin lacus ut euismod. Vestibulum eleifend tortor orci eu ornare sempe.
Betty White | Salon Owner
Our Team
Choose best for you
Emma White
Makeup Specialist
Phasellus tincidunt nunc vitae the lectus rutrum the eliend.
Arya Brown
Body Treatments
Phasellus tincidunt nunc vitae the lectus rutrum the eliend.
Julia White
Makeup Specialist
Phasellus tincidunt nunc vitae the lectus rutrum the eliend.
Emily Brown
Body Treatments
Phasellus tincidunt nunc vitae the lectus rutrum the eliend.
Our Services
We offer a wide range of beauty services
Body Treatments
Our makeup services
Facial Makeup
Suspendisse quis odio lobortis laoreet libero quis varius tortor.
Eye Makeup
Suspendisse quis odio lobortis laoreet libero quis varius tortor.
Face Makeup
Suspendisse quis odio lobortis laoreet libero quis varius tortor.
Eyebrow Makeup
Suspendisse quis odio lobortis laoreet libero quis varius tortor.
Haircut Makeup
Suspendisse quis odio lobortis laoreet libero quis varius tortor.
Dressing Table
Suspendisse quis odio lobortis laoreet libero quis varius tortor.
The best makeup packages
Eye Makeup
300 -
- Quisque volutpat
- Praesent at eros
- Donec commodo
- Morbi mollis
Face Makeup
450 -
- Quisque volutpat
- Praesent at eros
- Donec commodo
- Morbi mollis
Hair Makeup
750 -
- Quisque volutpat
- Praesent at eros
- Donec commodo
- Morbi mollis
What our clients say about Betty
Quisque consectetur massa id ipsum soltudin ultrices. Pellentesque the sceisque justo.
Quality dapibus augue metus the nec feugiat erat hendrerit nec. Duister ve ante the lemon sanlae. Phasellus rutrum in lacus ut euismod. Vestibulum eleifend tortor orci euthe ornare tortor somera theme duis miss the nibhse.
Emma Brown
Quality dapibus augue metus the nec feugiat erat hendrerit nec. Duister ve ante the lemon sanlae. Phasellus rutrum in lacus ut euismod. Vestibulum eleifend tortor orci euthe ornare tortor somera theme duis miss the nibhse.
Jason White
Quality dapibus augue metus the nec feugiat erat hendrerit nec. Duister ve ante the lemon sanlae. Phasellus rutrum in lacus ut euismod. Vestibulum eleifend tortor orci euthe ornare tortor somera theme duis miss the nibhse.
Emily Smith
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Contact Us
How to find our beauty salon
Contact Info
Phone Text
+1 203-123-0606
515 West Ave Norwalk, CT 06850
Mon-Fri: 08.00 – 19.00
Sunday: Closed
Contact Form
Our Brands
We use only the high quality original products